JavaScript visual effects V2, beta version
May 30th, 2005So, after some refactoring, renaming and general cleaning-up the Effects V2 stuff I finally declare it beta.
The effects require the Prototype JavaScript library (which is included with Ruby on Rails, but can be used in any web application framework).
UPDATE June 2: This page has demonstrations on the compatibility with various HTML elements
- Time-based animation
All animation is now time-based, not frame based. So, if you tell an effect to last exactly one second, it will do so, regardless of the rendering speed of the browser. - FPS settings
Target frames-per-second option (will fall back to just not-so-many fps on slower computers) - Transition modifiers
- linear
- sinoidal (eases in/out) [default transition]
- reverse
- flicker (randomizes)
- wobble (well, wobbles)
- Set of combinable core effects
- Scale()
- Opacity()
- MoveBy()
- Parallel()
- Callbacks
Add your own javascripts with the four callbacks beforeStart, beforeUpdate, afterUpdate and afterFinish - Customization
Lots of customization options with the core effects (namely .Scale) - Basic engine options
- from/to: allows partial runs, (e.g. change an elements opactiy from 75% to 25%)
- duration
- fps
- transition
- sync (allows to call on rendering manually, used for .Parallel())
- Powerful ‘prepackaged’ effects
All these are thought of as examples you can tweak or use as templates for your own
combinations of the core effects:- Fade() and Appear()
- BlindUp() and BlindDown()
- SlideUp() and SlideDown()
- Puff()
- Shake()
- SwitchOff()
- DropOut()
You can have a look at all this on the Effects V2 demo page!
Still missing is a new Version of Effect.Highlight and the “memory” ability of Effect.Scale; these two should be in shortly.
I really hope you’ll be able to add your own effect combinations and come up with cool stuff. Be sure to give to the community and share them!
Have fun.