Thomas Fuchs
Hi, I'm Thomas Fuchs. I'm the author of Zepto.js, of, and I'm a Ruby on Rails core alumnus. With Amy Hoy I'm building cheerful software, like Noko Time Tracking and Every Time Zone and write books like
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Scripty2 hardware-acceleration teaser

June 30th, 2010

Head over to to see the teaser, and be sure to try it on an iPad or iPhone! 🙂

(To see the hardware acceleration in action you need to use a recent version of Safari, desktop or mobile).

Scripty2 is coming this summer as a beta release, and will include: super-user-friendly APIs, hardware-accelerated effects (without you having to know about all those -webkit-something-something properties), completely new and awesome, themeable and extensible user interface components, amazing interactive documentation, multi-touch support and much more.

Big thanks to Andrew Dupont for the hard work of making this work so flawlessly, and contributing tons of code to Scripty2!

Stay tuned!