January 19th, 2007On the heels of the recent release galore here’s one more: 1.7 is final!—download away!
So what’s new? Basically, the new stuff is all about Effect.Morph and all the goodness you can read about here and here.
Of course, we’re on Prototype 1.5 final now.
As always, get the fine print from the CHANGELOG.
Now, if only had an API documentation like the new one for Prototype. The wiki is great, but a more complete, up-to-date and coherent resource would be even better. Well, let’s see about that… 😉
Of course thanks to the contributors. And yeah, I know that there are quite a bunch of tickets and patches pending—let’s get this one out first and get all that love in the next version. 🙂
NOTE: This is not the version included in Rails 1.2.1.—. You can use this version with Rails 1.2.1, just download and overwrite the files provided by Rails! The next Rails release will include this, of course. 🙂