AJAX-enabled shopping cart, the movie
July 2nd, 2005With the new drag-and-drop helpers coming with Ruby on Rails 0.13, you’ll be able to silly easily do stuff like this:
You know the drill, watch the video!
The above demo amounts to about 25 lines of code, including database acccess, session-based cart storage, add/remove items handling and the view rendering code (static HTML and CSS not counted).
It relies on the brand new draggable_element
and drop_receiving_element
helpers, that internally use the script.aculo.us libraries.
The code for making the product images draggable look like this:
<% for product in @products %>
<%= image_tag "/images/products/product#{product.id}",
:id => "product_#{product.id}",
:alt => product.title,
:class => "products" %>
<%= draggable_element "product_#{product.id}", :revert => true %>
<% end %>
And the cart drop handling code amounts to two helper calls:
<%= drop_receiving_element "cart",
:update => "items", :url => { :action => "add" },
:accept => "products", :hoverclass => "cart-active",
:loading => "Element.show('indicator')",
:complete => "Element.hide('indicator')" %>
<%= drop_receiving_element "wastebin",
:update => "items", :url => { :action => "remove" },
:accept => "cart-items", :hoverclass => "wastebin-active",
:before => "Element.hide(element)",
:loading => "Element.show('indicator')",
:complete => "Element.hide('indicator')" %>
A partial serves to list the items in the cart:
<% session[:cart].each do |product,quantity| %>
<% quantity.times do |i| %>
<%= image_tag "/images/products/product#{product}",
:class => "cart-items",
:id => "item_#{product}_#{i}" %>
<%= draggable_element "item_#{product}_#{i}",
:revert => true %>
<% end %>
<span class="title">
<%= Product.find(product).title + " (#{quantity})" %>
</div><% end %>
Hope you put this stuff to good use!